Americans are Planting Victory Gardens again!

The old “Victory Garden” is an important part of the American story, and that means it can easily become part of your new story this year. Those who came before us set an example of how to overcome challenges, face uncertainty and survive. We can look back and be inspired and encouraged by the story of everyday Americans who answered the call to “Grow more in ‘44!” Their story guides us today as we too face an uncertain future, dodge lurking dangers and exercise constant vigilence. A vegetable garden and a cooked meal can be an outlet, and I believe it represents a practical application of effort, a much needed feeling of accomplishment, and of course nourishment!

We all know that by committing to staying home and safe from infection the best we can, we’ll flatten the curve. That means we use what we have. Our food is fighting, and the frontlines are right in our own kitchen. The fuel for victory is literally our own home cooking.

Consider a Victory Garden for your home. Let’s have plenty in 2020!


Yes! Black Lives Matter to me


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