Now More Than Ever

What inspired the VGoT concept from the get go was this feeling that a society’s real strength—its real power to build, grow, heal and change—sprouts right from ordinary, everyday people who choose to do the right thing. I think about how we’re relying on everyday people right now more than ever. 

This all has been scary and stressful, but we’re in it together—and we give each other courage. I’ve been drawing courage from my neighbors at 7pm each day for the Healthcare Workers Cheer, from the neighbor who made us masks, to all the people courageously staying home when they can barely afford it. That’s how we win against the disease—together. And we are just getting to the point when supporting each other is going to be more important.  

To flatten this virus curve, we can celebrate a small victory with every hand washed, with every mask worn, with every meal cooked and with every trip saved. 

I recently spoke to my Grandma Rose and she remembered having to quarantine for whooping cough and polio in the 1930’s. Every one of our small victories at home and in the community echoes back to the time we’ve done it before and we’re doing it again. I hope my VGoT work connects us with America’s past times of challenge, and we can commune with those who built resiliency before us, who overcame, survived and made us proud.  


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Posters for the Portland Trail Blazers